
HALOOOO. It’s been twenty days since the last time I came here. Wow. What a coincidence. TWENTY. Just like the title of my last post. Okay, so, today I’m not going to write about my opinion or something theoretical. I’m going to write about culinary thingy, a.k.a a recipe named Suki. Let’s start!!

Ingredients 1 for the broth:

  • 1 garlic/bawang putih 
  • 1 shallot/bawang merah
  • 1 lemongrass/serai
  • 4 cm of galangal/lengkuas
  • 2 cm of ginger/jahe
  • 5 lime leaves/daun jeruk
  • 2 limes/jeruk nipis
  • 2 tamarinds/asam jawa
  • 1 teaspoon of terasi/shrimp paste
  • 2 teaspoon of fish sauce
  • 5 chili or as many as you like/cabe rawit
  • shrimp’s skin and head
  • salt
  • pepper
  • water
  • 7 garlic (chopped, stir it with butter until the color turns into golden-brown)

Ingredients 2:

  • 10 or 1/4 kg of shrimp
  • 1 Chinese cabbage
  • 2 sets of bok choy
  • 2 packages of enoki mushroom
  • 1/4 kg of fish cakes or fish balls or as many as you like

How to make:

  1. Put the skin’s shrimp and its head to the pan which fill of water until boiling and leave for 5 for minutes after it boils to make a shrimp’s broth.
  2. Take out the skin’s shrimp and its head using a sieve to make the broth’s clean.
  3. Crush the ingredients for the broth (garlic, shallot, lemongrass, galangal, and ginger). Put it in the boiling water along with lime leaves, tamarind, terasi, fish sauce, and salt.
  4. Leave it boiling for another 10 minutes.
  5. Put the shrimp, and fish cakes/balls, leave it to boil for 3 minutes then put another ingredients like cabbage, bok choy, and mushroom. Leave it again for 5 minutes.
  6. After that, turn off the stove and put the lime juice and pepper.

It’s DONE. Just like that. Suki is ready to serve with chopped chili and stir-fried garlic to add the taste. Oh, this much ingredients are enough to fill 3-4 persons’ stomach. Hope you try and like it as much as I do! The taste of this dish is clean enough to taste in your tongue and nothing greasy because I’m not using any oil (except the butter) to make it. Too bad I don’t take a picture of my dish. I’ll edit and add one when I make it again, later. See you on my next post!

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